Charly Black in studio working on album

Charly Black was in LA recently working on his debut album for Universal Music/Aftercluv. Look out for some heat he did with the legendary Scott Storch, dropping in the next couple months.

CB Scott Storch

If you haven’t had chance to check out Scott’s VEVO documentary ‘Still Storch’ its worth 20 mins of your time:

Jada Kingdom ~ Banana

Jada Kingdom, blazing her own trail, 5 for 5 and counting. New fire ‘Banana’ dropped today, already trending top 3 on YouTube. Produced by Tessellated & Valleyz (Pine & Ginger) and Pop Style Music’s leader of the new cool Jaxx.

Jamaicans are intrigued by my style – Jada Kingdom

“I’m just really humbled to know that my music and visuals are connecting with people. My songs and videos are not what might be considered normal output from a Jamaican artiste, it’s kind of left field. So for people to be drawn to it is really encouraging for me…..”

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Jada Kingdom ~ Best You Ever Had (B.Y.E.H.)

Chapter IV…..the final chapter. The curtain falls on Wull On the visual EP, finding Twinkle alone in the wilderness. Haunted by emotion and past transgressions, her conscience is on the hunt. Will Twinkle find redemption, will her conscience finally catch up with her or will her turmoil leave no option but fade to black? As she draws on her battle dress ready to face her demons the only thing we are certain of is that Twinkle is the Best You Ever Had.

Twinkle Tunes

Shoutout to Tidal for giving Pop Style Music’s Jada Kingdom her own official playlist on their platform. Its gloriously titled ‘Twinkle Tunes’ and is perfectly described by Twinkle herself ~ “These beautiful works of art have been my inspiration, my fire, my pillow. my passion, my melancholy, my joy, my riddim and have shaped the pieces of the evolving puzzle that is Jada Kingdom.” – Jada Kingdom

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